📤 Sharing and Tracking

There simplifies report sharing and tracking

There simplifies report sharing and tracking.

Sharing a Report

  1. Click "Share"

  2. Add recipient email addresses

  3. Customize your message (use / for formatting)

Reading a Shared Report

There automatically generates:

  • A mobile and web-optimized reading link (no user account required)

  • A PDF version preserving the layout

Tracking Reading

  1. Access tracking via the right sidebar

  2. View for each recipient:

    • Email sending status

    • Report openings

    • PDF downloads

  3. Mark the report as completed from the tracking panel

info icon
Recipients have read-only access to the latest version of the report. Updates are visible even after initial sharing


Question: How can I be sure my report has been read?
Answer: In the tracking tab, you can see for each recipient if the email was received, if the report was opened, and if the PDF was downloaded.

Question: What does "mark a report as completed" mean?
Answer: Marking a report as completed helps you track your work. Once all your recipients have reviewed the report and you're no longer expecting feedback, you can mark it as completed.

Question: How do my recipients access the report?
Answer: Your recipients receive an email containing a direct link to the report. They don't need to create an account to view it. The report automatically displays in a format optimized for their device (computer, tablet, or mobile), and they can also download it as a PDF.

Question: Can I create multiple workspaces for different projects?
Answer: Yes, you can organize your reports in separate directories to better classify them by project or type.

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