📸 Create and Customize an Image Gallery

Showcase your images in professional and engaging reports with our optimized image gallery feature.

Insert an Image Gallery

  • In your report, type /images to insert a drop zone spanning the full page width, ready to receive images.

  • The drop zone is interactive and can receive photos via drag-and-drop or insertion from:

    • Your notes

    • Your computer

    • A web page

Add Your Images and Captions

  • Drag and drop your images from your notes, computer, or a web page into the report or an image block.

  • Format the captions: use bold, underline, colors, or add line breaks for clarity.

info icon
Automatic Layout

- Images are automatically adjusted to fill the frame, ensuring a consistent and professional look.
- The format adapts to optimize the display (portrait, landscape, square).
- The number of columns adjusts based on the number of images, with a maximum of 4 columns.
- Images in the last row of the gallery are centered on the page for better visual balance.

Customize Your Gallery

Caption Display

  • Enable or disable the Caption option to add context to your images.

Display Options: Columns or Thumbnails

  • Columns: Images are aligned with captions below them, perfect for a clean and flowing layout.

  • Thumbnails: Captions are displayed to the right of the images, ideal for longer text and a compact presentation.

Image Frame Options

  • Fill the Frame: Images occupy the entire available space for a bold visual presence.

  • Fit in Frame: Displays the full image with borders if necessary.

  • Frame Ratio: Choose between portrait, landscape, or square formats.

Manage Your Images

Download Images

  • Individual images in their original format.

  • The entire gallery as a compressed archive containing all photos in their original format.

Modify or Move Your Images

  • Reorganize images within the gallery by dragging them to the desired position.

  • Move an image outside the gallery to integrate it into another section of your report.


Question: Do images retain their original quality?
Answer: Yes, you can always download images in their original format. Images displayed on the web, mobile, or in the PDF are automatically optimized for faster loading and reduced file size.

Question: Can I edit the gallery after inserting it?
Answer: Absolutely! Click on the gallery to adjust its format, add captions, or rearrange the order of the images.

Question: How do I delete a gallery?
Answer: Select the gallery and click Delete or press the Backspace key.

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