Insert an Image Gallery
In your report, type /images to insert a drop zone spanning the full page width, ready to receive images.
The drop zone is interactive and can receive photos via drag-and-drop or insertion from:
Your notes
Your computer
A web page
Add Your Images and Captions
Drag and drop your images from your notes, computer, or a web page into the report or an image block.
Format the captions: use bold, underline, colors, or add line breaks for clarity.

- Images are automatically adjusted to fill the frame, ensuring a consistent and professional look.
- The format adapts to optimize the display (portrait, landscape, square).
- The number of columns adjusts based on the number of images, with a maximum of 4 columns.
- Images in the last row of the gallery are centered on the page for better visual balance.
Customize Your Gallery
Caption Display
Enable or disable the Caption option to add context to your images.
Display Options: Columns or Thumbnails
Columns: Images are aligned with captions below them, perfect for a clean and flowing layout.
Thumbnails: Captions are displayed to the right of the images, ideal for longer text and a compact presentation.
Image Frame Options
Fill the Frame: Images occupy the entire available space for a bold visual presence.
Fit in Frame: Displays the full image with borders if necessary.
Frame Ratio: Choose between portrait, landscape, or square formats.
Manage Your Images
Download Images
Individual images in their original format.
The entire gallery as a compressed archive containing all photos in their original format.
Modify or Move Your Images
Reorganize images within the gallery by dragging them to the desired position.
Move an image outside the gallery to integrate it into another section of your report.
Question: Do images retain their original quality?
Answer: Yes, you can always download images in their original format. Images displayed on the web, mobile, or in the PDF are automatically optimized for faster loading and reduced file size.
Question: Can I edit the gallery after inserting it?
Answer: Absolutely! Click on the gallery to adjust its format, add captions, or rearrange the order of the images.
Question: How do I delete a gallery?
Answer: Select the gallery and click Delete or press the Backspace key.