Sharing Levels
To change access level, click on "Private Note" and select:
Private Note (default)
Visible only to you
Perfect for personal notes
Visible and editable by all members
Ideal for team collaboration
Accessible to anyone with the link
Enables sharing without a there account
Email Invites
Targeted collaboration with specific people
Works without a there account
Inviting Collaborators
Click the "Invite" button in the top right
Enter email addresses of invitees
Choose their access level: • Assigned: responsible for completing the note • Editor: can modify the note
Invitees outside your organization are identified as "guests".
Tracking Assigned Tasks
When a note is assigned:
Note becomes a "to-do" task
Changes to "in progress" after assignee edits
You receive an email notification to finalize
Editing a Shared Note
Edit text and add images from any device
Use "/" to access formatting options: Headings (3 levels), Bullet or numbered lists, Task lists, Callout, Horizontal rule
Click "Done" to save changes
Adding Images
Web: "Add images" button in bottom left
Mobile: "Photos" button to : Take a photo, Choose from photo library, Select from files
Question: Who can see my private notes?
Answer: Only you. They remain confidential until you choose to share them.
Question: Do invitees need a there account?
Answer: No, they can edit notes directly from the email link.
Question: How do I know if a note has been modified?
Answer: You receive an email notification when an assigned invitee modifies the note.